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Kissel strawberry, Otlichnaya kuchnya, 200 g


Kissel strawberry

Kissel is one of the Russian traditional drinks that have left a significant mark on the history of the development of the state. The history of jelly dates back centuries, the recipe was replenished with ingredients, becoming more and more useful. Cherry jelly has antiseptic qualities and helps to get rid of inflammation in the respiratory system. Dark berries are considered more useful: blueberries, blackberries, cherries, etc. Blue, red, and purple berries contain the flavonoid anthocyanin, due to which strengthens capillaries and also strengthens memory.

Kissel is a fairly satisfying dish, so they can replace a whole meal. It is enough to cook it thick - and dinner is ready.

Ingredients: white crystalline sugar, potato starch, corn starch, citric acid (E330), natural extract (juice), fruit and berry flavor additive (identical to natural), natural food coloring Carmine.