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Crispbreads with blueberry, Doctor Grain, 80 g


Crispbreads with blueberry

Dr.Grain Frutto bread with Blueberries is an ideal choice for those who are watching their healthy diet and looking for dietary products. These breads are sweet and crunchy, making them a great healthy snack and the right choice for those who want to maintain their lifestyle.

The composition of the bread includes whole wheat grains, rice cereal, concentrated blueberry juice and chopped blueberries. Whole wheat and rice grains are the basis of the breads, providing them with high nutritional value and important nutritional elements such as vitamins, minerals and fiber.

The advantage of the extrusion production method is that all nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and fiber, are retained in the product. Plus, the blueberries found in the bread have many health benefits, including a wealth of antioxidants and phytonutrients that help maintain eye health and strengthen the immune system.

Dr.Grain Frutto Crisp with Blueberries is an excellent choice for a healthy snack that will help you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.

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