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Natural honey with royal jelly, Berestov, 500g


Natural honey with royal jelly

 Taste properties: "royal jelly" is the most valuable bee product, a unique nutritional mixture that bees develop to feed their offspring and the queen bee. The best way to preserve and enhance its beneficial properties is to mix it with honey. The result is a powerful natural immunomodulatory agent and at the same time a tasty and delicate product.

Consistency: Delicate creamy structure, yellow color, does not crystallize for a long time.

Beneficial features:

– Royal jelly is considered a real “Elixir of Youth”, a valuable natural biostimulant that awakens the body’s forces to fight various diseases.
It has active antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antispasmodic, regenerative, tonic, anti-aging, bactericidal properties.
The composition of the components of royal jelly is extremely balanced. Its proteins are similar to those of human blood. Together, honey and royal jelly create a product that is unique in its nutritional and medicinal properties.
It contains more than 400 substances, including vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B12, C, PP, D, E; minerals: potassium, manganese, iron, sodium; enzymes; organic acids: formic, succinic, citric, malic and amino acids: lysine, valine, methionine and many others.

Thanks to the use of honey with royal jelly, the body is rejuvenated, physical fatigue and nervous overstrain are reduced, strength is restored, appetite, sleep, memory are improved, and work capacity is increased. We use adsorbed royal jelly, which retains its beneficial properties for a longer time. Recommendations for use: 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals, dissolving without drinking water.
Quality: Honey was brought from beekeepers of Rostov and Lipetsk regions. Each batch of honey we receive from the best apiaries in Russia is subject to strict control and is tested in a certified laboratory for compliance with GOST requirements.

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