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Seasoning Thyme, Magiya Vostoka, 7 g


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Seasoning Thyme

Thyme has a pleasant strong odor and a pungent, strongly spicy, bitter taste. Improves the aroma and taste of vegetable dishes, especially potatoes and cabbage. Thyme is indispensable when preparing fatty fried dishes: potatoes fried in lard, pork, lamb, meat pates (pork), fried fish, pork liver. Thyme is used to season poultry (goose, duck), game, and offal dishes. Thyme goes well with egg dishes and cheeses. Its popularity for smoking products is undeniable. No other spice brings out the flavor of lentil, pea and bean soup better than thyme. Thyme is used for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, and squash.